Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pending Cookies

Last night I attempted  to bake a nice batch of chocolate chunk cookies.

Half way through mixing the batter a few guests arrived. And it dawned on me! I forgot the birthday party! It was our Senior Pastor, Ptr. Jun's birthday. And all the pastors that were able to come were supposed to meet here at our house. Well anyway, I decided to just leave the cookie dough in the chiller and I attended the Party.

 Look at me lookin' like boy~


He's just so darn cute! <3 His name's Karl Benjamin.

He wanted to go to his daddy on stage. Aww.

It was pretty nice, they made the audience light up candles. It looked beautiful.

Yay reunited! <3 Her name's Eunice. We've been friends since forever. (don't mind me)

Well tomorrow I'll bake the first half of that batch and bake the 2nd half on Saturday since a lot of people have requested to taste it. I'm afraid I don't even know how it would taste. You see, I haven't tried this recipe before. I got it from a cookbook I bought a month ago.  Its basically the same as usual. But you know how it is! I'll post the recipe here if it turns out great. 

Oh and everyone has to try this Peppermint Chocolate muffin from SM!


In a christmas tree.

At an information desk.

Fire extinguisher!

 Random table.

Happy Thursday! 

P.S. My toe bled today because I was trying to chip off an ingrown. YOU CAN SEE A PHOTO HERE for unsqueamish people. It's not that bad. The wound closed up already. I just wanted to show my weird toes on the interweb.

P.P.S. I hate my toes. Scratch that, I hate my feet.

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